Tuesday, July 14, 2009

about me.


Name:Jennifer Tyler Gao
DOB:27th February 1993
Birthplace:Tianjin, China
Current location:Auckland, New Zealand
Eye color:Dark brown
Hair Color:Black
Piercings:Both ears

Band/Singer:Stereo Skyline, Panic at the Disco, the Veronicas, Michael Jackson, A Rocket to the Moon, Breaking Benjamin, Rilo Kiley, the Click Five
Song:Far too many to name.
Genre of Music:Almost anything, mainly alt/indy rock/pop, rock/pop, r'n'b.
Color(s):Ruby red, grey, cornflower blue, ochre yellow.
TV show(s):Masterchef... haha.
Movie(s):Whale Rider, the Notebook, Titanic, Forrest Gump, Wall.E, Benjamin Button, Slumdog Millionaire.
Food:Anything.. serious. ;D
Store:A store with everything in it. Like Farmers? So I can drift from section to section and see pretty things and not get caught doing random shit.
#:3, 7.
Drink:Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, apple juice, redbull + vodka, ginger beer, sparkling grape juice.
Clothing Brand:Cotton On
Shoe Brand:Novo
Animal:Cheetahs, the domestic cat, sparrows, deer, the equine.
Pizza topping:Seafood, pepperoni, salami, onion. Pineapple! Anything BUT olives and capsicum, yuckyuck.
Season:I love all the seasonsss.. summer just a little bit more i guess. :D
Holiday:It's a tie between Christmas and New Years. I loooove New Years!

This or That:

Sunny or rainy:Both? Pleaees? :D well i don't like slightly rainy days. If it's gonna rain, thunder plz.
Chocolate or vanilla:For most things chocolate.. but for smells, vanilla.
Fruit or veggie:FRUIT <33333333
Night or day:Night. Forever night.
Sour or sweet:Sour.
Love or money:Without a doubt love.
Phone or in person:In person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable:Poor and happy. Happiness is the important thing.
Looks or personality:Personality.
Coffee or tea:Right now? Tea. I'm so sick of coffee, so gladly tea. :D
Hot or cold:Hot, i don't like the cold.


Goal for this year:There's a lot. To be more happy, is what all of them lead up to.
Most missed memory:Hmm... there's not that much. I guess my childhood, and being really close with the g'parents. ;D
Best physical feature:Gosh.. i don't know, really. Lips? Hands?
First thought waking up:I'm grateful.


Do you wanna get married:Yes, i absolutely do. <3
Do you wanna have kids:Yes, eventually. When my patience level rises a bit.
If so, how many:Three.
Do you wanna go to college:Yessir. ;D
What do you want to be:I want to be happy and in love.

Do You:

Dance in the rain:Oh my, definitely. It feels like absolution
Smoke:No, it's disgusting. Although i know if i start i'll never stop.
Drink:Occasionally, alcohol isn't the best taste ever.
Shower daily:Yeaa, otherwise i feel gross.
Like thunderstorms:I absolutely love them with all that i am
Sing:I dance more
Play an instrument:I used to
Think you are good looking:I think i'm alright.
Get along with your parents:Haha, I fight with my family so much, but it's only because of my horrid temper. I do get along with them yes.

Other Questions:

Can you whistle:Only when I'm by myself, or by accident. :( i say i can, and people around me are like "PROVE IT!" but i never can prove it. sigh!
Right or left handed:Right
Your bedtime:Whenever i feel like, these days around 1am. Eep!
Biggest fear:Regret and loss.
3 things you can't live without:My family. My friends. Art.
Color of your room:Yellow ;D
Middle name:Tyler
Pets:A fat-ass four year old tabby
Nicknames:Gao. "Jen Bunny". My friends are not very creative. ):
For or against gay marriage:Absolutely for.
Thoughts on abortion:I'm not really for it, but it's your body and your life. I can absolutely understand both sides to this.
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be:I'm where I want to be.
Do you wear contacts/glasses:Glasses. Yeah. ): i want contacts.
Are you afraid of the dark:No, i love the dark. I'm afraid of what's lurking in the dark.

(taking these so i can reflect back on them later, and go "hmm, what a person i was back then...!")

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