Tuesday, July 14, 2009

teenage toothache

i love giving advice to people.

but i wish i took my own advice more.

if i weren't so set on art/design, i would pursue being a psychologist. it's so fascinating how our minds work and operate, how we react to situations. how each thing we do makes up who we are and no one else can replace our individuality. 

goin' to shelle's tonight.

girlie time with the girls. can anything be better?
i love sleepovers.

then going to see ice age three tomorrow. yay. i'm excited, ice age is hilarity on a stick. ;D

THEN seeing harry potter. yay for harry potter! i don't read the books, but i love the movies. ron & hermione ftw plz. they're absolutely fantastic.

also, i just got off the phone with a friend and.. i realized that when i'm absolutely terrible at explaining things or trying to get my point across. ): it's rather saddening, haha, because i go off on tangents so much that i don't remember what the point was anymore. i tend to use a lot of random as hell analogies, and then i forget what i was trying to say. then there's a lot of random gaps where i try word my sentences right. lol! then the person on the other end of the line doesn't fully get the gist of what i'm trying to tell them. this is extra frustrating when i'm all passionate and trying to convince them of a certain idea. it never works. ): this is something i need to be better at or no one's ever going to fully understand me.

i'm eating christmas pralines. they're chocolates. pralines = chocolate? or pralines =  something fancy. wait, i'm googling this.

pralines = boiling sugar and ground nuts, used as a filling for chocolates. hmm.

so i'm eating pralines. from christmas. it's now mid-july. can chocolates go off? no.. they just get stale, right? am i going to die from eating this? :S well if i am i might as well keep eating.

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