Friday, July 17, 2009

i feel blue

everyone knows when they're feeling sad.

but do most people know why they're feeling sad?

this is something really interesting to me, because i myself find it rather weird when people go "i'm sad, but i don't know why". i've always known why i'm sad, it's never something that is totally obscure to me. rather, i ask myself "why are you feeling sad because of this?" and i highly doubt that people don't know what's causing them to feel blue even if they claim they don't. we always have an idea why this certain event caused us to feel this certain way. i guess it's because they don't want to admit they're feeling sad because of this reason, a lot of the time.


i'm feeling shitty today, it's because of young designers. and the end of holiday bluuuuess. too much work, too much procrastination, not much time left at all. jenny is terrible, hahaha. and on top of this shitty mood i'm trying to write some shit that's on the top of my head and it's coming out terrible, so i'm going to end this before i go off on a total tangent like i always doooo.


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